Monday, February 28, 2011

Have you heard the one about the toddler, the dishtowel and the hardwood floor?

No, it's not a bad joke, it's the unbelievable scenario that played itself out at our house today. Once again my son proved that you can injure yourself with the most innocuous items. I'm a tad concerned that child protective services is going to flag us because our son consistently looks like he came out on the losing end of a prize fight.

Back to the dish towel incident...I was making lunch and the kid was playing in the kitchen, none too happy that my attention was elsewhere. He yanked the dishtowels off the oven door and was swirling them around. I thought nothing of it, he was having fun, it was harmless and they needed to be washed anyway. As I turned back to the sandwich I was making, musing about how kids can have fun with anything, I heard an earsplitting scream of pain. I turned around to see blood dripping from his mouth.

How do these things happen when you are standing right there?! I really don't know what he did, I suppose he probably tripped over the dishtowel, fell and bit his lip. He was pretty freaked and it takes a lot to spook this kid. Of course my husband was upstairs on a conference call as I frantically tried to stop the bleeding, calm the child and confirm that nothing else had happened (all while worrying that the person on the other end would think we were running a two-year-old torture chamber).

Seriously, I don't get it, the kid was going headfirst, on his back down the slide all morning and nothing, he picks up a dishtowel and boom, a fat lip. He refuses to use an icepack, so I grabbed the next best thing, an icee. I figured it's frozen and it will stay on his lip, so...

Needless to say, I'm cautiously optimistic that we have filled our random injury quota for the day. Prior to this he had his fingers smashed in the door, so I feel like two tear-inducing injuries a day are quite enough. Right now he's happy as a lark, playing outside, trying to talk around his freshly swollen lip and enjoying another popsicle. I guess in his world, this whole thing turned out all right in the end.


  1. Carrie, you have a BOY. That should be enough said. It doesn't make it easy though... your little one sounds highly accident prone. I'm so sorry!!

  2. i just love how you have an ad for a head injury lawyer on your page right next to this post! and, yes, you have a boy! boys are dangerous!
